12 September 2011... the big day... actually its my birthday..aging a lil in number but am forever young at heart..
Been busy..but i like it...i find that i work SSOO well under pressure..hehhehee
Experiencing a few changes..some are good..some well..i live it at that...but mostly I am so thankful to be alive..thankful for the life am living at the moment, thankful to ALLAH for my precious lil alia iman, my loving hubby..insyallah..we would soon expect our additional family members..next year..(I hope)..
Life has its ups n down..I learn that..I am not SUPERWOMAN..i tried to hide my feelings..but it actually held me back n make my full potential seize to exist..:), I also found out a lil two or three..or four..or more..hehhee about my other half n those surrounds me..hey..i have this one saying that i always put in side my head..."WHAT DOESN'T KILL YOU, ONLY MAKE YOU STRONGER"
I think i better leave it at here..As I mentioned earlier..working under pressure..really suits me just nice!!!1:)
I need to prepare a report..its just one report..but for me its a big task..cause I never done one..and the end recipient of the said report is to be submitted to the SUK Office.. go on dear!!! Break A LEG!!!
happy birthday dear ros! :) expecting additional family member next year??? amin... :)